Cbas Celebrates Day Of Scientific Renaissance Of Africa With The La Bawaleshie Community

The College of Basic and Applied Sciences (CBAS) climaxed its 2024 Day of Scientific Renaissance of Africa with a community engagement event held at the La Bawaleshie Presbyterian Basic School Park in the Ayawaso West Municipality. Themed "Connecting Communities with Science", the event showcased the important contributions of the College and its constituent units in improving lives and livelihoods through science and technology.

The Acting Regent of La Bawaleshie, Nii Ashie Djane, warmly welcomed CBAS and expressed his appreciation for their visit to the community to share knowledge and interact with the people. He pledged the continued support of the La Bawaleshie Traditional Council to the University of Ghana.

In his remarks, the Provost of CBAS, Prof. Boateng Onwona-Agyeman, commended the chiefs and people of La Bawaleshie for their warm reception for the second year after the initial engagement in June 2023. Providing a background to the celebration, the Provost explained that the Day of Scientific Renaissance of Africa, approved by the African Union, provides Africans the opportunity to showcase their innovations and outputs. The College therefore appreciates the opportunity to engage the community.

Prof. Onwona-Agyeman also noted units within the college have products or services that directly impact our lives. He expressed hope for collaborations with investors to commercialise the displayed products and encouraged patrons to visit the stands and interact with the representatives.

Speaking on behalf of the MCE of the Ayawaso West Municipal Assembly, the Assistant Director of the Assembly, Ms. Ashiokor Osei -Frimpong emphasised the key role of science and technology in driving the country's development in areas such as health care, agricultural production and infrastructure development. She reaffirmed the Assembly’s commitment to promoting science and technology, and urged stakeholders to strengthen partnerships and harness collective expertise to drive Ghana’s development.

Following the opening ceremony, the Provost led attendees on a tour of the exhibition stands where various units showcased their products and services. The Soil and Irrigation Research Centre (SIREC) presented UG local rice, while the Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Centre displayed palm oil and tree seedlings. The Livestock and Poultry Research Centre (LIPREC) exhibited their yoghurt.


The Department of Nutrition and Food Science stand was a hub of activity, exhibiting a range of food products including doro cookies made from dawadawa bean pulp, yoghurt from bambara beans, kaaklo mix, yam noodles, turkey berry juice, and sorghum chocolate chip cookies. In addition, the department provided health screenings and nutrition counseling.

The Department of Food Process Engineering showcased dried fruits such as apples and pineapple. The Institute of Applied Science and Technology presented cucumbers and other vegetables cultivated in their greenhouse, while the Institute of Environment Sanitation Studies exhibited products crafted from recycled plastic waste.

The School of Veterinary Medicine offered veterinary services, and the Department of Chemistry displayed handwash and scented candles. The Department of Physics captivated attendees with live demonstrations of their solar panels, solar batteries, and water pumps.

Representatives of the units presented the work of their respective units, the products on display, and the processes for producing their products. Guests had the opportunity to ask questions and sample some of the displayed products.

This exhibition was a testament to the university’s commitment to research, innovation, and community engagement.

The Chair of the DSRA planning committee, Prof. Matilda Steiner-Asiedu, who moderated the event, expressed her gratitude to the Acting Regent of the La Bawalashie Traditional Area and the Representative of the Municipal Chief Executive for their continued support. She also encouraged the residents of La Bawaleshie to patronise the stands.