The College of Basic and Applied Sciences (CBAS) at the University of Ghana has successfully organised the inaugural 2023 West Africa Marine Science Symposium (WAMSS), a three-day event themed "Fostering partnerships to advance ocean science in West Africa."
The symposium brought together marine scientists and ocean enthusiasts from across West Africa, aiming to develop effective marine research and conservation models while strategically connecting potential grant applicants with funding sources.
In his welcome address at the opening of the symposium, Prof. Boateng Onwona-Agyeman, the Provost for the College of Basic and Applied Sciences, underscored the significance of the symposium. He noted that it would foster diverse perspectives on the challenges faced by West Africa's oceanic front and highlighted its role in bridging critical knowledge gaps related to ocean understanding and marine research in the sub-region.
"The Ocean comprises 70% of our planet and plays several significant roles in our daily lives, including providing sustenance, regulating climate, and producing over 50% of the oxygen we breathe," Prof. Onwona-Agyeman explained.
He, however, revealed that “the ocean has faced numerous challenges in recent decades, including pollution, habitat degradation, oxygen depletion, acidification, overfishing, and the emerging exploitation of rare metals. We can reverse these damages by channeling our collective efforts towards protecting this valuable ecosystem."
Prof. Boateng Onwona-Agyeman, the Provost for the College of Basic and Applied Sciences
Dr. Edem Mahu, Chairperson of the West Africa Marine Science Symposium, expressed gratitude to participants and sponsors for their support. She described the event as a platform for West African Marine Scientists to collaborate and overcome barriers they often encounter in their research endeavours, such as funding limitations and logistical challenges.
Dr. Edem Mahu, Chairperson of the West Africa Marine Science Symposium
Senior Science Manager for Oceans at the National Geographic Society, Jules Luthringer, commended the organisers and participants of the symposium for aligning with the society's mission to illuminate and protect the wonders of the world through science exploration, education, and storytelling. She emphasised the critical role of the symposium in safeguarding the oceans in the West African region.
Goodwill messages were delivered at the opening ceremony by Prof. Affian Kouadio, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC); Arthur Tuda, Executive Secretary of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association and Dr. Kwame Koranteng, a Member of the Ocean Decade Africa Task Force.
Prof. Affian Kouadio, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
The symposium focused on six thematic areas crucial to advancing marine science and conservation. These included Promoting Marine Environmental Health, Restoration, Conservation, and Management of Living Marine Resources, Outreach, Science Communication and Storytelling, Building Coastal Community Resilience Against Coastal Hazards, Community Leadership and Participation in Ocean Knowledge Generation, and Enabling Access to Enhance Critical Understanding of Africa’s Eastern Atlantic.
WAMSS is a collaborative effort between the College of Basic and Applied Sciences at the University of Ghana, the National Geographic Society, the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean, Nature Environment Wildlife and Filmmaking, and the Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Nigeria and Ghana. Other esteemed partners include the United States Office of Naval Research, Mission Blue, Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), UNEP Regional Seas Convention-Abidjan, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission-Africa, and the UN Ocean Decade Africa Taskforce.